Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Celebration Day!

Needless to say, I am thrilled about the results of the election. Let me hear your thoughts! We have come a long way since the Iowa caucus. I was so happy to meet Barack Obama went he came to Iowa, to shake his hand and ask him a question. He has the ability to make people feel listened to and respected - he made me feel that way. Since that time, I have seen how gracious, stable, intelligent, and righteous he is as he fought his way through the primary, and then, against the attacks by a vicious power structure that has held our country captive for eight long years. I feel freer and more hopeful than I have for a long time. I feel like hope is finally an option. I am also proud of Iowa! We finally went blue.

1 comment:

cconz said...

kartika, It is wonderful. I can't believe it!!I found it funny that the Only bad things they could muster the whole campain happened years ago. They were scrapping too. But, it did'nt work. I know i feel hopeful. Think of the tremendous pressure he must be feeling. He will be under a microscope. People will be ready to pounce. Also, pretty amazing how all the other parts of the world were tuning in? It can only get better.